maandag 18 mei 2009

Paris, je déteste (Paris, I don't like).

Sunday started with a French breakfast and doing my usual thing at hotel bedrooms. Why do you think I'm so athletic.=)

Hotel Bed jumping (

Even though I wrote bad about Paris the last time, I did have a nice time with my family. Especially when we were eating and were in the metro.=) Day 2 was a bit of a downer. The weather was bad so we did the touristy thing. At least it wasn't that mind killing like We took a stroll in the Tuileries and Carrousel gardens in front of the Louvre palace.

Musée du Louvre

On our way to the Centre Pompidou I saw a homeless lady struggling with the zipper of her sweater. I never write about my work at the soup kitchen, in the city where I study, because some people who visit the soup kitchen might read this blog and I'm not allowed to write about what visitors confide in me during my shift. But sometimes people get or ask my attention when I'm just taking a stroll in a random city. This time it was Carmen. I didn't want my mom to drag me away when I started to pay attention to this lady cause she might have gotten worried about me getting attacked. And I don't want people to see what I do for Jesus so others can't call me hypocrite.=) So I told my family to go to the Centre Pompidou and that I will catch up with them later. The converstation with Carmen started when I tried to close her jacket but the zipper was really rotten like she told me in French. I told her that I didn't want her to get a cold (it was raining and the wind was ice cold). So we talked about her past, the good and the bad things and why she doesn't trust people. I told her that someone loves her very much and she knew who I meant. I was sad to tell her I had to finish the conservation so my family wouldn't worry. I blessed her and told her that everything will be alright.

zaterdag 9 mei 2009

Paris, j'adore.

Two weeks ago I was in Paris with my parents and siblings. The weather was very bad as you can see in the following video. Normally I don't speak English like that. I was doing my bad French accent.

On the way to Paris the bus driver told us the city of Liège (Belgium) has a metro network but it's never been used for public transport.*Bummer*
I don't really like Paris, it's really touristy. The last time I was there some guy even molested me. My mom of course had to visit the places that make Asian women happy. The Louis Vuitton store and China town. After we put our bags in our hotel rooms we went straight to the Champs-Élysées for my mother to drool. The Parisian store doesn't trust paper money so they only accept Credit Cards and Louis Vuitton member cards. Mom forget hers so we couldn't buy her a new pet. Pitty though, mom said they were cheaper than in Germany.

Went to Sephora to get some personal care products but they didn't have the products I wanted. Still I had to make a picture of this huge bottle of J'adore eau de parfum from Dior (my signature smell). Unfortunately a woman walked by when my sister took a picture of me.

It was just insanse. The bottle can last like 30 years and the price was € 624,40.

Second destination of day 1 was China town so we took the metro to Porte d'Ivry station.

Woohoo, le metro!

Seriously. Why?

My goal was to ride the metro and to eat the famous Báhn mì (not bakmi), Vietnamese baguette. My brother just kept on telling me how he loves it since he visited China town in Paris for the first time. And I have to say, I heart it too.^^ I'm Dutch so I also heart mayonaise and guess what they contain mayonaise. Yum, yum, me so like it.=) I ate one with sliced vietnamese saucage and ham. You can get them with different kinds of meat, even vegetarian. I'm going to try to make them when I'm back in Leeuwarden.

On our way to the hotel I wondered how you should pronounce Daumesnil. I thought it was something German.xD

So my mom's manager gave us a direction to the hotel and it just said, 'Walk out the metro station and walk to the hotel.' Well, no Novotel nearby so we checked the map at the station and we couldn't figure out where it was.

Great we were lost

I was kind of grumpy and tired of asking in French for direction so my mom found a nice man who walked us to the hotel. He showed us his house which looked like a pineapple. I thought it looked like an upside down grape hyacinth.

Eventually I took a bath and went to my parent's room to eat some snacks and watch tv together with my brother. We tried to understand what the news reader was saying in French ... never mind.-___-