maandag 1 november 2010

Future inspired salvation army corps Leeuwarden

A while back the young folks from the Salvation Army corps Leeuwarden did some filming after the service. It was for a competition from the Salvation Army The Netherlands. They had to show their vision of a possible future church service. Down below the results. I'm in the video several times.
Een tijd terug hebben de jongeren van het Leger des Heils korps Leeuwarden wat rond gefilmd na de kerkdienst. Het was voor een wedstrijd van het Leger des Heils landelijk. De opdracht was hun visie over de toekomstige kerkdienst te laten zien in een Youtube filmpje. Het resultaat zie je hieronder. Ik zit er ook een aantal keren in.

It's in Dutch but it goes something like this:
- first segment is the announcement. Like a joined service in Sweden with brothers and sisters from Corps Stockholm XD, a website for costume made salvationist uniforms and R&B Pop Idols from the Salvation Army international;
- the second segment the reverends enter the service;
- third segment bible reading (everyone was asked to take a laptop or a mobile phone with them to the service the day before. Yes, we are very obedient and mobile sheep ;));
- fourth segment evangelism with Twitter (so cute to see 80-year old brothers and sisters pretending to tweet their thoughts);
- fifth segment, the kids have their own service;
- sixth segment, preach from Hawaii;
- bible study groups about the bible text and
- last segment, end of the service.