They say they serve the best coffee in town since they've learnt from the best. I would say, see for yourself. I mean taste for yourself.
Stenden studentlounge

Isn't this uber cute? It even has bows on each sleeve. And the prize is Yennie proof (meaning cheap ^____^). Anywayz, I didn't buy it since I always apply the Yennie-shopping-rule:

Herenwaltje 3
8911 HN Leeuwarden
Tel: 058-2138782
Opening hours:
Monday - Friday: 07:00 - 22:00
Saturday: 09:00 - 17.00
At the V&D we discovered a special Miffy department.^^ How cute!

Nijntje is Miffy's original name. It's Dutch but the pronunciation was not that convenient for the international market so they've changed the international name into Miffy. It was in Japan where I discovered the other name. First I thought it was a fake brand name =) or a name for a STD.:/
I still need to feed my wardrobe new clothes. During summer I did some cleaning and decided to give away my clothing I bought before 2008. Just a symbolic year for personal freedom. Anyway, during this rage I forgot I threw away all my pyjamas. I need a new one. It's really a need ... you know ... just in case Jesus comes back ... I don't want to be nekkid.:/ I think there's even a bible verse about that. Need to check that. Another reason to buy pjs is because of this

Isn't this uber cute? It even has bows on each sleeve. And the prize is Yennie proof (meaning cheap ^____^). Anywayz, I didn't buy it since I always apply the Yennie-shopping-rule:
1. Do I have the money? (No: don't buy it you poor bastard. Yes: go to question nr 2)
2. Can you eat it? (Yes: yum, yum! No: go to question nr 3)
3. How many hours do you need to work for this product/service? (You-don't-need-to-calculate-that-cheap: Wait another day, it will be still there if it's meant to be. More than three hours: Dream on ...)
People know I love free stuff. I'm not cheap I just like to do things and buy things that are worth my money. And if they are for free. Woohoo, count me in. So the city hall had a free exposition. It's a travelling exposition from the Dutch government showing the people the local government are doing something about climate control. Quite easy solutions like they did in the past. Like using boats in cities with canals to supply the pubs and restaurants with beer instead of trucks which causes traffic jams. And running cars that don't move waste fuel and polute the air even more. They made a little boat out of a beer bottle. I guess the people who made the exposition had a blast. Anywayz, I enjoyed reading it and touching things.

The exposition is till wednesday the 6th of October at the city hall of Leeuwarden.
2 opmerkingen:
The dress with the rabbit face is uber cute. There is a rule n°4: if the product you want is uber cute, then that unable the 3 rules you mentionned. If it's just cute, then you can apply your 3 rules :)
Wat vervelend dat je wat down bent. Ben wel nieuwsgierig naar datgene wat je down maakt. Hopelijk is dat nare gevoel weer snel weg.
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