I'm saving myself for Noah Huntley.;) No, I'm just kidding. *No, I'm not* Yes, I am. *No, I'm not* Oh whatever, who am I kidding, le sigh.=)

Is it just me or do they use a lot of cowbells in songs.
Proof 2. Listen at 1:48
Proof 3 (cowbells all over)
I guess you can't ignore Christopher Walken and SNL. Everyone needs more cowbell in their life.
Some may know I respect the Islam for their traditions. Especially the ramadan. During the ramadan muslims go on a hunger diet and wait till the sun goes down to feast on yummie food. During the ramadan muslims practice the zakat. Zakat is giving money to the ones who are in need. In the bible Jesus says:
So when you give to the needy, do not announce it with trumpets, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and on the streets, to be honoured by men. I tell you the thruth, they have received their reward in full.
I can't afford to pay people to play on their trompets every time I donate money anyway ... One of the biggest arguments people give me why they don't go to church anymore is because of the manditory 10% they have to give to their church. I've never got a letter from my church to give them 10% of my income. Maybe they think I'm poor.XD They did aks me to give them my time. And so I did and still do my duty.
I want to proof a point. You will always have enough money to give away to charity. It's on the street. I've started to collect coins I find on the street since last Chinese New Year (I don't know if this is correct English :/). The first week was fruitfull. I found 90 Euro cents.XD Since then I was kind of busy (lazy) to scavenge the streets for abondend money. It's also suspicious if you hang around ticket machines too long and putting your arm in without even buying anything. Concidering everyone is a bit frantic after 911. There was that time I end up with two municipal police following me.:/
I also have a tin can I call the funny money can. I started with € 1,- and every month I added another Euro ( month 2: €2, month 3: € 3,-, month 10: € 10,-, etc ...). I use the money to pay for entertainment. So the first month I was allowed to spend € 1'-. Searching for cheap deals becomes a sport if your budget is low. So the last 27 months I was on a boat (Old spice whistle), among other things.

Another night out sponsored by the city of Leeuwarden. To promote the 'Nacht van de nacht' (night of the night).
- I went to a gueririlla movie showing from Cinema Ascona in an old Philips factory. The theme was called girls with guns.
Free enterance for girls with guns.XD
If I didn't touch the funny money can I would have saved € 378 till this day. Hello I'm cheap *** not stingy.;) € 87,80 is not bad concidering the thing I've done the last two years. I'm not going to name everything. I need at least 8 blogposts for that.
People say I should share my budget tips on my blog. Maybe I will, maybe I won't. The media always manage to find weird people to promote frugal living. I'm not going to eat bird food or use an electric tooth brush as a vibrator (I don't have a vibrator though) to save some money. I kid you not, there are really people who live that way.:/ That's not frugal, that's crazy.
I do want to share with you my current favourite show, 2 broke girls on CBS. It's about two girls who are broke, simple as that. Two waitresses trying to survive in Brooklyn. Max has been broke her whole life. Caroline was born rich, lost her money after her dad got caught in a Ponzi-scheme. They live together wit a horse named Chestnut and they try to save $ 250.000,- for their future cup cake shop. At the end of every episode a tally shows how much they have earned so far.
I like Max because she is so sarcastic and shows, the born rich, Caroline how the poor get their daily stuff (online painkillers from South America with adverse effects XD). In episode 4 Max introduces Caroline to Goodwill. I love charity shops. Fortunately I don't depend on charity shops but I choose to buy some things second hand if I don't use them that very often. Books are a good example. When I'm finished I give it away to charity. I think the Goodwill stores get more from me than that I've ever bought from them. There is one thing I refuse to buy second hand, pressure cookers. This year a man was convicted for a murder he committed in 1997. He murdered his brother and cut him to pieces and used a pressure cooker to dissolve (do you say it like that?) the head (of his own brother). The case is known as the 'snelkookpanmoord' (pressure cooker murder). That's sick. I'm not sure if someone else in The Netherlands got inspired by this murder but I'm not taking my chances.:/
Anyways, the theme song from 2 broke girls is from Peter Bjorn and John and it's called Second Chance.
Is it just me or do they use a lot of cowbells in songs.
Proof 2. Listen at 1:48
Proof 3 (cowbells all over)
I guess you can't ignore Christopher Walken and SNL. Everyone needs more cowbell in their life.
1 opmerking:
haha Money money .. ik vind de foto's trouwens super en het idee van het sparen per maand ook :)
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