I'm not rich but I'm willing to share what I can miss. I don't want to act like a saint but in my opinion this is really a time to give money. These people didn't choose for this terrible drought. We need to give these people humanitarian aid because every person deserves dignity. Would you care about them if they were your own family or best friend? I always weigh my food before I make dinner cause I don't want to waste food. Especially after seeing the next picture some years ago.

Anyway, I won't judge you if you're not willing to give anything. I just want your time. I remember my aunt telling me she used to make pancakes without meat once a week so she, my uncle and cousins could save money for their foster child. I think it's a good thought. You will teach children the value of giving, their responsibility to take care of the less fortunate and to simply care.(>^^)><(^^<) My grocery budget is € 50,- a week. To follow my aunt's example I will donate every penny I'll save in that budget the next 7 days. Everything will go to giro 555 (a bank account from the Dutch cooperating aid organizations) cause they are specialized in humanitarian aid.
Cooking against famine Day 1
I don't think it's a good thing to eat fried rice with soy sause everyday. It's cheap but I don't need to be on a diet, I'm slim enough.;) I like Spam. I used to eat a lot of Spam when I was 'poor'. It's poor people food, like instant ramen.:D For some reason my mom used to accuse me of eating a lot of onions cause it's what 'poor people' who can't cook eat (???!!!).-____- OK back to Spam. Maybe it's a figment of my imagination but correct me if I'm wrong. I think I've got the frying-spam-thing from my mom. It might be an Asian thing. Hawaiian like frying their spam. They even make some kind of sushi with it, Spam musubi.XD

I saw this cute Japanese commercial for Spam on Youtube.
- Rice (as much as you can eat. Left over rice is better but I didn't have any);
- Spam (one can is enough for 4);
- green onion (as much a you like);
- eggs;
- oil;
- soy sauce;
and vegetables you like to eat with it (the recipe didn't say anything about vegetables).

Grocery budget: € 50,-
Money spent: € 0,00
Money to donate: € 50,-
It's really easy to make. Just slice the Spam.
Fry them brown on both sides together with the vegetables. The recipe said to fry the rice and the eggs together with the spam after that. But I fried the eggs separately cause every time I mix it with rice it turns out looking like vomit.:/ Stir-fry everything together and add some soy sause to it. Cut the green onion and sprinkle it on the dish. Dig in!
Grocery budget: € 50,-
Money spent: € 0,00
Money to donate: € 50,-
8 opmerkingen:
Die foto laat iedereen wel schrikken jaah :(( vreselijk zeg... ik vind echt super dat je zo leeft yental.
What kind of meat is Spam? Never heard of that.
Tuna fish? :/
Spam is a brand name. I've bought the no brand name version. It's precooked pork meat.
Spam is an essential part in every item of your menu, at least in certain places.
@justrecently That is really a lot of spam. I hope you weren't spamming me. Anyway, what is it with men and Monty Python?
Waar zijn de blogposts van de rest van de dagen?
Iets met foto's kwijt op de 5 miljoen schijven van RJ en bloggen op een iPad is de bomb ------> NOT!
What you said in the firsts paragraphs is so truth because sometime we want help people who living in those conditions but the real problem is that money we send them is stolen by the government.
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