vrijdag 9 december 2011
You scream, I scream, we all scream for Ben & Jerry's.
donderdag 8 december 2011
Calimero, the reason I wake up in the morning.
Dag 10: Achtergrond op jouw mobieltje.
One day this little guy was on my mobile phone. I already had the Dutch theme song from the television show Calimero as my alarm signal.
Op een dag stond Calimero op de beginscherm van mijn mobiele telefoon. Hij stond niet mis bij mijn wekker ringtone die ik reeds had.
woensdag 7 december 2011
Day 9: bible verse / Dag 9: bijbelvers
dinsdag 6 december 2011
She works hard for the money.

Maybe I should find a real job next year. A job that pays minimum wage but at least you get paid for the hours you work. My goal is to buy a house but that's impossible if you earn next to nothing.:( I don't understand why houses are still so expensive when the current home owners can't really afford to pay off their mortgage. They rather wait for a fool with way too much money to rescue them from their overvalued bricks than lower their price of their house. So basically a lot of people live in a situation next to bankrupcy because they have gambled with their debt. In the west we think we are rich but we are rich on paper. The bank crisis showed us we all live with a debt (student loans, mortgage, personal loans, etc ...) Your house is yours when you have paid of your loan. Besides that we all are paying off our country's state debt. I don't really want to know how much that is. TOO Much if you ask me. But we all want solid high ways, the public transport to be on time and we take care of the poor.

maandag 5 december 2011
An ode to kitty cat Maus.
donderdag 1 december 2011
Day 6: Money, money, money.

Is it just me or do they use a lot of cowbells in songs.
Proof 2. Listen at 1:48
Proof 3 (cowbells all over)
I guess you can't ignore Christopher Walken and SNL. Everyone needs more cowbell in their life.
dinsdag 29 november 2011
Birthdays and Jeans 21
Yup, it is holding a can of beer. I already gave it a name, drunk uncle Teddy. I might start writing my drunk diary stories in this little notebook.
Remember the time I won two tickets to a musical? Last thursday I went to theatre 'De Harmonie'. De prize included a 'Theaterplus-arrangement'. A coffee/tea and some coockies before the show.
A coffee/tea and a sweet treat during the break.
And a drink and some snacks after the show.
We went to the musical Jeans 21. 21, because it is the 21st season of this show. It's a bit like Glee. Guys and girls singing, acting and doing dress ups. Music from rockabilly to disco. From Dutch pop music to a Dutch children's song. I've read in an online review the songs were for an older audience cause the writer didn't know lot of the songs. I knew a lot of songs. I grew up with Sting and Motown ...... Gosh I'm old.:(
After the break the show became a bit cheesy with songs like 'Ademnood' (dyspnea) from Linda, Roos & Jessica. Good looking soap stars from my childhood. Nowadays they are a recent divorcee (husband fell in love with the neighbour), dead and a drunk-driver-turned-mom.
And one of the last songs was 'De kabouterdans' (the gnome dance) from a very popular Belgian children's show. We were asked to dance and sing with de performers several times. I was the most enthusiastic during this song cause I was the only person at the back of the room twirling ... -___- Singing Roxanne from Sting with one voice like cats in heat is okay but twirling is a big no no?
I want to thank all the tax payers from The Netherlands for supporting my left-wing hobby.XD
maandag 21 november 2011
I didn't check which flavour it was before I bought it. I just bought it because of the colour ... But you can't deny it's damn cute! Look at the bottle of milk and grape holding hands.:D

It's soft, almost like a chewing gum. It also had some kind of jelly beans in it (which was kind of grose). Overall I wouldn't try this flavour again. I can't recall the price anymore but I guess it was cheap. I'm Dutch, I don't like expensive. But we do like cute little piggies.:)
Puccho also has an insanely cute website, www.puccho.jp. Typically Japanese, colourful and super kawaii cartoons. And they have free downloads:
Who doesn't like smiling apples in a green apron? http://www.puccho.jp/img_present/other/memo.pdf
An envelope with strawberries on it. I wish I had a colour printer. http://www.puccho.jp/img_present/other/pucchoco_futou.pdf
woensdag 26 oktober 2011
Day 5: Mom and dad
What shall I say about my parents without sounding cheesy. I can't beat the sentence, I wouldn't be here without them. And biologically that's correct.:) My dad is my hero. Period. I was a rebel in my teenage years. I was quite terrible. There I said it. But after an incident where my dad had to pull me out of a situation, me and my dad have grown closer to eachother. I'm talking about peanutbutter and jelly.
By the way, last year my dad celebrated his 25th job anniversary. Hereby I want to thank Emma Safety Footwear for our happy family.
My dad earns money with being a rock star in shoe making.
Someone at Emma safety shoes asked us if we could spread the word about their shoes. They already have big customers like the Dutch government. Emma designed shoes for operation Dessert Storm, shoes for construction workers, scientists who needs solid shoes, etc ... Need Italian leather protection shoes for an Italian job? Sure. You name it, they have it.
If you don't know who Mike is, you probably aren't as old as I am or lived under a rock during the 90ies.
Back in the days when Google didn't exist. When we had to memorize the Alt codes on the numeric keypad, Alt+0131 was my favourite. Money! :D
Emma Safety Shoes
woensdag 12 oktober 2011
A message from my Dopper.
What's in your hand, back at me. I have it,
I'm a mobile urinoir with an public transport chip card (Dutch insider's joke). Look again,
I've turned into a water reservoir for plants who don't have a plant sitter when their owner are on a vacation. Anything is possible if you stop using plastic water bottles and switch to a Dopper.
I'm on a hamster.*Old spice whistle*
I've noticed you will release a pink Dopper soon. You know it wouldn't be bad to 'donate' a lady love for my blue friend.*big fat wink*